Converting a customer is not just about what you say now, it’s about what you said before that.
It’s about what you have been saying all along.
Why? Because customers rarely convert on the first instance that you try to sell to them.
More often than not they convert later after hearing about you previously from the various different channels.
They may not have use for your product the first time they hear about it, but they could have use for it later.
This then becomes a question of how often and how consistently do you talk about your product to the people you hope will buy it? How often do you educate them about the ways in which it could solve a certain problem that they have?
How consistent are you with putting your brand/product out there for people to know that it exists?
This could be in form of social media posts, videos, written content, asking customers to refer other customers; to mention a few.
In today’s world of social media, it requires that we get creative with the ways in which we consistently inform the public of the existence of our products and services.
Entertaining or funny videos can go a long way. This is the most consumable form of content today, especially short videos.
Cake City Kenya does a really good job at keep their customers entertained on Instagram.
Jenni AI and Grammarly are also good case studies as to how you can keep informing customers about the services that you offer without getting boring.
The goal is to not be boring and to be consistent.
They might not buy now, but they will buy later or tell someone about you.
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